Terms And Conditions

General Terms

This agreement sets out the terms and conditions for the use of the services offered by Robofund (hereinafter ‘Robofund’). If you have any questions, you can always contact our customer service team by email or visit the contact page on the Robofund website. Our website – https://robofund.net/ (hereinafter ‘our website’) – is accessible worldwide to anyone with an internet connection. Access to and use of the Robofund website is subject to the terms and conditions set out below. By visiting and using our website, you expressly agree to these terms and conditions and to our privacy and cookie policies. If you do not agree with any of these policies, please stop using the website immediately.

We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Any changes will take effect as soon as they are published in new or updated versions on our website. By continuing to use our website, you agree in advance that your use will be subject to the terms, conditions and policies in effect at that time.

Online Services Agreement

This Agreement is entered into between Robofund (Amundi Management Ltd., registered under company registration number 2024-00290) and the User. Our registered address is 10 Manoel Street, Castries, Saint Lucia.

This agreement covers both the website and the trading platform and includes the electronic content and/or software currently available on the website. This includes real-time information on foreign exchange rates, transaction services in the foreign exchange market via the Internet, telephone or fax. In addition, the Agreement includes any future features, content or services that Robofund may offer (hereinafter collectively referred to as the ‘Services’).

Membership Eligibility

The Services are only available to individuals or businesses that can enter into legally binding contracts in their country of residence. Our Services are not intended for persons under the age of 18 or for those who have not yet reached the legal age of majority (‘Minors’).

If you are a minor, the use of these services is prohibited. If you do not fulfil the eligibility criteria, please stop using this website. For the avoidance of doubt, we accept no liability whatsoever for the unauthorised use of our services by minors.

Furthermore, our services are intended exclusively for persons who have sufficient experience and knowledge of financial matters to be able to assess the benefits and risks of the financial contracts offered on this website. You are solely responsible for any decisions you make based on the content of this website. We accept no responsibility for the assessment of your knowledge or experience and are not liable for any damage or loss arising directly or indirectly from your use of the website.

The same applies to any transactions and/or use of the Services. Without limiting the foregoing, our Services are not available in jurisdictions where their use is unlawful. Robofund reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to the Services in its sole discretion.

Registration Information & Requirements

During the registration process, you will be asked to provide certain personal identifying information. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your Robofund account, including your login and password. Any damage caused by improper or unauthorised use of your account is your responsibility. You agree to provide accurate and complete information about yourself during the registration process and not to impersonate any other person or legal entity. If you are registering on behalf of a legal entity, you confirm that you are authorised to bind that entity to the contract.

Robofund will treat the information you provide with care and in accordance with the information disclosed during the registration process and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Legal Restrictions

You acknowledge that legal requirements relating to financial contracts vary around the world and it is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with any applicable laws, regulations or guidelines in your country of residence when using the Website. Accessing Robofund does not automatically mean that our services and/or your activities on the Website are legal in your country of residence. It is your sole responsibility to verify this.

By agreeing to these Terms, you confirm that the funds in your Robofund account are not derived from illegal or criminal activities, such as drug trafficking or kidnapping.

Limited Licence

Robofund grants you a limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to use and access the Website (the ‘Licence’). This Licence is conditioned on your compliance with the terms of this Agreement. You agree not to resell or make the Website available to any other person. Any unauthorised use of the Website in violation of this section may result in liability and obligations on your part. You agree to use all data obtained from Robofund’s information systems solely for transactions related to the Website. In addition, you agree not to use the electronic communication features of the services on the Site for any illegal, abusive, intrusive, obscene, threatening or hateful purpose, including harassment or defamation of others.

If Robofund determines that any information provided by you, including your email address, is inaccurate or out of date, or that you are not abiding by the terms of this Agreement or the rules or policies of any Service, the licence granted to you terminates immediately. The same applies if Robofund determines that you have engaged in misconduct on the Robofund trading platform (including, but not limited to, off-market transactions). In such a case, you must immediately terminate access to the services. Robofund reserves the right, in its sole discretion and with or without notice, to suspend your access to the Services in whole or in part, to close any open transactions and to remove or delete any information or content within a Service.

Risk Disclosure

You agree to use the website at your own risk. The services offered on this website are intended solely for clients who are able to withstand potential losses and have appropriate experience in the financial markets. There is a risk that you may lose some or all of your original investment, so you should only invest money that you can afford to lose.

It is important that you are aware of the risks associated with forex and CFD trading. If you are unsure, you should seek independent financial advice.

Complaints Policy

During the registration process you will be required to provide certain identification details. You are responsible for the security of your Robofund account login and password. Any damage caused by improper or illegal use of your account is your responsibility. You agree to provide accurate and complete information about yourself when registering and not to impersonate any other person or organisation or conceal your identity from Robofund for any reason.

If you are registering on behalf of a legal entity, you confirm that you have the necessary authority to bind that entity to this Agreement. Robofund will treat the information you provide carefully, in accordance with the information disclosed during the registration process and our Privacy Policy.

In addition, Robofund maintains effective and transparent procedures for the prompt handling of complaints from existing and potential retail customers and documents complaints and the actions taken to resolve them. These procedures are designed to ensure fair and consistent handling of customer complaints while providing a high level of customer service.

Financial Information

Robofund may provide you with a wide range of financial information through one or more of its services, which may originate from agents, suppliers or partners (‘Third Party Providers’). This information may include, but is not limited to, financial market data, stock quotes, news, analyst opinions, research reports, charts and data (‘Financial Information’).

The Financial Information provided on this website does not constitute investment advice. Robofund provides this information as a service only and does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or sequence of the information or the results of its use. Due to factors such as changes in market conditions or economic developments, the financial information may become unreliable. Neither Robofund nor the Third Party Providers are under any obligation to update the Financial Information or opinions contained therein and reserve the right to suspend access to the Financial Information at any time and without notice.

It is your responsibility to check the reliability of the information on the website and its suitability for your own needs. We accept no liability for any claims, damages or losses of any kind arising from the information provided on or referenced by the Website.

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Robofund may provide links to websites operated or controlled by third parties. These links do not imply any endorsement, authorisation, sponsorship or affiliation with these websites, their owners or providers. We encourage you to be aware of the potential risks associated with the use of such websites before accessing or using them or purchasing products and services over the Internet.

By using these links, you agree not to hold Robofund liable for any loss or damage arising from your use of or reliance on any content, products or services on other websites.

Trading Cancellation

Robofund reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse or cancel services and/or refuse to pay out winnings for legitimate reasons, including but not limited to:

  1. If Robofund has reason to believe that an individual’s activities on the Website may be illegal;
  2. If a person’s activities could cause tax or financial damage to Robofund;
  3. If Robofund determines that one or more actions on the website have violated this agreement.

The following countries are excluded from trading on Robofund: Afghanistan, Crimea region, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, North Korea, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, USA, Yemen.


RoboFund’ trading services are prohibited in the following countries as well as sanctioned countries:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Crimea Region
  3. Cuba
  4. Iran
  5. Iraq
  6. Israel
  7. Japan
  8. North Korea
  9. Sudan
  10. Syrian Arab Republic
  11. USA
  12. Yemen

Payment Procedure

Robofund’s finance department checks every withdrawal request submitted. An identification document is required for each withdrawal. Robofund may take up to 3 working days to process the request. Once approved, it can take up to 5 days for the money to be credited to your account.

Minimum Withdrawal Amount

The minimum amounts for withdrawals at Robofund are:

  • USD 100
  • EUR 100
  • GBP 100
  • ETH 0.1
  • LTC 1.5
  • Dash 0.3
  • BTC 0.026

Additional Information

You may need to provide additional information in order to process your withdrawal. If this is required, our support team will contact you before your withdrawal is processed.

Added funds

Robofund Markers offers attractive rewards for new and existing customers. Part of the Robofund promotion programme are additional funds and one-off trading credits. These additional funds are limited in time and conditions are subject to change.

In order to withdraw additional funds, a trading volume of 30 times the additional amount must be achieved. Withdrawal of the additional funds is only possible once this condition has been fully met. Any withdrawal from an account made before these requirements are met will be cancelled and deducted from the account.

Additional funds may be displayed in the user interface as cashback, insurance or additional funds for risk-free trades and similar services. If an additional amount has been added in error or without notice, the customer has 3 working days to report this to the support or complaints team. If this is not done within the specified time frame, the amount will be considered authorised and the customer must meet the above conditions before a withdrawal is possible.

Evidence of fraud, manipulation, cashback arbitrage or other fraudulent activity in relation to the additional funds will result in the account being cancelled and all winnings or losses being forfeited.

Equity Policy

Equity is part of the Robofund promotion programme and refers to the amount transferred to a trader’s trading account. Robofund reserves the right to provide equity at its own discretion based on specific criteria.

Equity can only be withdrawn once all required conditions have been met. Robofund grants clients equity based on specific criteria, whereby the client must deposit the agreed amount.

If the agreed amount is not deposited, Robofund may freeze the user’s account and suspend all trading activities. In this case, the user will not be able to withdraw funds until the required amount of capital has been deposited.

Limited Liability

We make every effort to ensure the continuity of the services on the Website, but we are not responsible for any errors, omissions, deletions, interruptions, delays, operational or transmission failures, communications line failures, theft, destruction, unauthorised access to or alteration of the Website or the services. Similarly, we are not liable for technical problems or malfunctions affecting telephone networks, computer networks, servers or other online systems, hardware or software, or for technical failures due to Internet traffic or other causes.

To the extent permitted by law, in no event will we be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of the Website or the Services, or from any content posted on or through the Website or the Services, or from the conduct of users of the Website or the Services, whether online or offline.

In no event shall Robofund or its officers, employees or agents be liable for any damages whatsoever, including indirect, incidental or consequential damages, arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the Website or the Services. This includes, but is not limited to, the quality or usefulness of information provided through or in connection with the website or investment decisions based on such information, whether or not the damages were foreseeable and whether or not Robofund was aware of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability applies to the fullest extent permitted by law, and in no event shall Robofund’s total liability exceed the amount of money transferred or deposited into your account with Robofund in connection with the transaction giving rise to such liability.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This agreement is governed by the laws of St Lucia.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Robofund does not tolerate money laundering and is actively committed to combating it, in accordance with the guidelines of Moneyval (Committee of Experts for the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures)

Money laundering is the process by which funds from illegal or criminal activities are channelled through the financial system to disguise their origin and make them appear legitimate

Trading accounts can be misused to launder illegal funds or to conceal the true owner of the funds Trading accounts can also be used to carry out financial transactions that disguise the origin of the funds

To prevent such activities, Robofund only makes payouts to the original source of the deposit The international fight against money laundering requires financial service providers to identify potential risks and implement a compliance programme aimed at preventing, detecting and reporting suspicious activity These measures serve to protect both Robofund and its customers.

Intellectual Property

All content, trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and icons belong to Robofund or its affiliates or agents and are protected by copyright laws and international treaties.

You agree not to remove any copyright notices or other proprietary notices from materials you print or download from the Site. You are granted no additional rights or licences to use the intellectual property or the Website other than those set out in this Agreement. The images displayed on the Website are the property of Robofund.

Furthermore, you agree not to upload, post, distribute or reproduce any information, software or other material that is protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights (including rights of publicity and privacy) without first obtaining the permission of the rights holder and the written consent of Robofund.


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless our Company and its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or related to your access to or use of the Site or the Services. This includes, but is not limited to, claims arising from any violation of the terms of this Agreement or any applicable laws or regulations.

Term and Termination

The term of this contract is indefinite. However, Robofund reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time by giving notice to you. After termination of the contract, you are no longer authorised to carry out new transactions.

Refund Policy

In order to process withdrawal requests efficiently, merchants must complete Robofund’s KYC identification process. This includes the submission of all required documents and additional information to ensure secure and proper processing of funds. Only traders with verified trading accounts are authorised to submit withdrawal requests.

Robofund aims to process withdrawal requests usually within 4 to 7 business days of receipt. However, the actual processing time may vary depending on the trader’s compliance status, the chosen withdrawal method and additional security measures.

Refund requests will only be processed via the original deposit method. For deposits made by debit or credit card, withdrawals must also be made via this card. Deposits made via bank transfer also require refunds to be made via bank transfer.

Customers should check the status of their withdrawals with their respective banks.

Trading Fees

Rollover Fees

A rollover fee, also known as a swap fee, is charged when a trading position is held overnight. This fee represents the amount that Robofund will either charge you or receive from you when you hold a position overnight. The amount of the rollover fee can vary depending on market conditions and is usually based on the interest rate differentials of the currencies traded or the financing costs of the assets traded.

Payment Methods And Fees

  • Cryptocurrency pairs

    • 0.01%

  • Withdrawal fee: By debit or credit card

    • 5%

  • Bank transfers

    • SEPA: £$€10

    • Rest: £$€25

Inactivity Fees

An inactivity fee is payable if there is no trading activity for a period of 30 days or longer or if there are not at least three open positions worth £/$/€100 each. This fee is charged from the first month of inactivity. The inactivity fee is intended to cover the costs of maintaining inactive accounts.

Inactivity Fee Example
A customer has deposited $1,500 into their Robofund account on 1 January but has shown no trading activity. On 31 January, Robofund will deduct an inactivity fee of $100 as there has been no trading activity for a period of 30 days or more. After deducting this fee, $1,400 will remain in the customer’s account.

Verification Fees

A verification fee will be charged when the client submits their KYC documents to verify their trading account. Further details can be found on our KYC policy page. The verification fee is 5% of the current account balance per month.

Verification Fee Example
If a trader deposits $100 and does not verify their account, Robofund will deduct a 5% verification fee on the 31st day. This fee is $5, leaving $95 in the customer’s account after the deduction.

General Clause

Robofund accepts no liability for events of force majeure or for measures taken by governments or authorities.

If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The failure of either party to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Robofund reserves the right to assign this Agreement and the rights and obligations hereunder without your consent.

Changes to the terms of this Agreement may be made by posting the amended terms on the Site. It is your responsibility to review the Agreement periodically for changes. Amendments will become effective upon posting on the Website. If you do not agree to the amended terms, you may no longer use or access our services and must notify us immediately in writing.